Amazon and EC2; The second document also has pointers on how to get started using EC2 and S3. For people who are new to S3 - there's a few helpful notes in S3 for n00bs section below. The rest of the documentation below assumes that the reader can launch a hadoop cluster in EC2, copy files into and out of S3 and run some simple Hadoop jobs.

ec2_instance – Create & manage EC2 instances — Ansible Url to use to connect to EC2 or your Eucalyptus cloud (by default the module will use EC2 endpoints). Ignored for modules where region is required. Must be specified for all other modules if region is not used. If not set then the value of the EC2_URL environment variable, if any, is used. Running Ubuntu Desktop on an AWS EC2 instance | Ubuntu This tutorial will guide you through the setup of running ubuntu desktop on an AWS EC2 instance using TightVNC on a system running Ubuntu 16.04+. What you’ll need : Access to an AWS EC2 instance using commandline - This tutorial assumes that you’re logged into the machine using SSH; A … Setting up Git on EC2 to pull from GitHub repo - Stack

Setup a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS EC2 Instance with Ubuntu

Using the EC2 plugin for Jenkins to automatically Aug 20, 2018 Chaos Engineering on Amazon EC2 using AWS System Manager

EC2 Spot Workshops. Using Spot Instances with EKS. In this workshop, you learn how to provision, manage, and maintain your Amazon Kubernetes clusters with Amazon EKS at any scale on Spot Instances to architect for optimizations on cost and scale.

Tutorial: Getting started with Amazon EC2 Linux instances Use this tutorial to get started with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). You'll learn how to launch, connect to, and use a Linux instance. An instance is a virtual server in the AWS cloud. With Amazon EC2, you can set up and configure the operating system and applications that run on … What is Amazon EC2? - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud